Family Matters

Why does family matter? They are who you grew up with. I know some people may not be fortunate enough to have had the privialage of growing up with certain family members. Whether they lost them or they just aren’t in the picture anymore. All I know, is to always love your family no matter what. Maybe you can’t stand to be around them, but still love and pray for that individual. You don’t know what they are going through. That certain person in your life that seems to be struggling, may just need to know someone cares. And there is no telling what could happen.

Family is everything. I was in a hurry to get out of my families house, but within just 4 short months of being away, I realized God had me where I was for a reason. Needless to say, I moved back and I needed my family more than I thought. God has something me and my family are supposed to do. We’ve grown closer than ever before and are looking to become a huge force for God. Two-heads are better than on.

Be blessed!