People Need Hobbies

Hang 10 Wheelie
Hang 10 Wheelie

This is just one, of the many hobbies, that I enjoy- Ask me if I love Mountain Biking…YES, it’s the best! It gives you a great feel of freedom and it’s great exercise for your entire body.

Mountain biking involves; ups, downs, sideway ramps, jumps, the whole nine yards. Your heart needs to beat more than it’s normal rate to be a healthy heart. That’s one reason, why I chose this sport. Besides that, it’s just a huge adrenaline rush.

Why do people need hobbies? To keep them sane! It will get their mind away from their busy week of work, or other things that occupy their mind, in a stressful way. Also, I would recommend, at least one, heart-racing hobby. It keeps one from sitting at home and being on the web all day/night. If you feel that you can’t think of any hobbies, search the web. I’m sure there is something out there that will grasp your mind.

Here’s a few: Mountain biking- Rock Climbing- Ziplining- Bungy jumping- Rafting- Sky-Diving- Horseback Riding- Hiking- Skiing- Snowboarding- Caving. Now, some of these can be expensive, but these are only a handful of what else is out there.

P.S. You won’t know what you like until you try it 🙂

Stay blessed and God loves you all!

Feel free to ask questions!