
Interacting means to; “Act in such a way as to have an effect on another.”

To me, I feel it is important, for people to interact and have conversations, with one another. Whether it be a pointless conversation, or a meaningful conversation. Either way, I believe it will effect one or the other, in a certain way. People these days, are always going through, and are facing something in their life. That ‘little’ conversation could rejuvenate them. I don’t know about you, but every time I decide to do something, out of the ordinary, and lets say help someone, with their groceries, or decide to say, ‘hi’ to someone that I see everyday, I feel extremely blessed.

In other situations, you may have prayed or hoped, for something to happen, and it never comes to pass because you’re always on your same routine. For me, when I decide to start random conversations, with random people, I find, that over half the time, they have something, or are doing something similar, to what I want or need. Now, that blessing you’re wanting might not come right away, but, if you continue, to put yourself out there, and be that someone that someone looks forward to talking to everyday, I guarantee you, God will begin to talk to that person and they will do something wonderful in your life. And that’s because we are meant to love and be a part in people’s lives. I believe everything happens for a reason, and God specifically places people in people’s lives. Then the rest is up to you. That person you ignore, or that person you feel as though, you should say, ‘hi’ to, but you don’t, very well could be holding the blessing you’re needing in your life.

This could be somewhat confusing, and I hope I explained it well enough. Just know that we are meant to be a big part, in one another’s lives. Who knows, maybe YOU’RE the blessing someone needs in THEIR life 🙂 God loves his people. Remember, love your neighbor as yourself 🙂

Stay blessed, be blessed, God loves you 😉